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Social Science



Date: 06/07/2021


In the present teaching-learning process, there are many complexities in evaluation. There is a story that a competition was organized among the animals in a forest. Almost all the animals of the forest took part in that competition. Under the competition, the first to reach the top of the tree will get first place. Bird, monkey fox, bear, elephant, leopard, there are many participants who participated in the competition.

Now let's think about who will reach the top of the tree first. Obviously the bird, the elephant will not reach because their individual quality is different. Had there been a competition to uproot the tree faster, the elephant might have won first.

At present in the teaching-learning process, only one method of evaluation is used, whereas we all know the fact that every child has a different individual quality is called the theory of individual differences. We give importance to the theory of individual difference in the Chinmaya School. That is, the basis of our teaching-learning process is the Chinmaya Vision Program that is why we are called School with Difference where we do not only evaluate the children for marks but its integrated development, keeping in mind the spirit of Indian culture, patriotism and universal outlook, are the pillars in the teaching-learning process.

The aim of education is to provide maximum happiness to the children. By inventing innovative methods of evaluation, the stress of examination built up in the mind of children can be reduced. It is obvious that if the stress of examination will be less from inside his mind, then he will feel more and happier. It does not mean that the process of evaluation should not be adopted, but a new method of evaluation should be used. The basis of the teaching-learning should be, how much happiness brings in the daily school life of 8 hours per day for each and every student. We focused on all about these things everyday life of each and every student in our Vidyalaya.

New Education Policy 2020 is also basically based on the principle of individual differences of the students and added on the system of imparting skill development-based education to them so a student will relate their skills and knowledge with their future job choice.

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Date: 11/06/2021

Effects of COVID 19 on Social, Economic, Political and Cultural life”

As teachers of social science, we always did the work of teaching among the children keeping in mind the above four aspects. That is, be more and more social, work in groups, any problem can be solved by working together. Today, when I repeatedly say it is necessary to maintain social distance, then it seems that Coronavirus has changed the thinking of our social development. For social development, we have to find new ways. Yes, it is true that in this epidemic, we talk about physical distance, but this disease has forced us to keep distance from our loved ones too. It has had a profound effect on the mental development and sensitivity of the children, along with all people of society. But there is also another aspect of this that we now want to live in association with more and more people. It also has a positive effect on our thinking that the importance of people has started being understood among the people. Then our responsibility would have increased more. Let us see how social development can be promoted.

If this pandemic has affected the most, it is the economic sector. For the first time, all the generations together heard the word lockdown. According to an estimate, the International Labor Organization(ILO) reported that 114 million people lost their jobs by 2020. As far as India is concerned, by 2021, about 120 million people have lost their jobs either organized or unorganized. In April 2021 alone, 7 million people lost their jobs. India's GDP decreased by 3.2%. The GDP in the Indian economy went to minus. This is a rough scolding but we know that most of the people in our country work in the unorganized sector and it is very difficult to estimate them accurately. In our country, small shopkeepers, traders and labourers were almost destroyed. But here, also I want to make a positive point, many people have given a new dimension to their thinking of changing the economic situation, and have started their own employment and business after returning to the village. The primary sector, especially agriculture, has started growing more, which is the backbone of our economy.

As far as cultural development is concerned, there were many negative things as well as positive things. If the institute is closed, people's movement is stopped, so knowledge and culture must be guarded a little.

As far as I see the positive aspects of cultural development, this pandemic has only given a boost to Indian culture. The whole world has convinced doing Pranam with folded hands is unique. Where it was considered good to shake hands and hug in foreign countries, Indian culture made a different identity in the world.

Now let me talk about the impact of Kovid-19 on political development. Before this epidemic, the methods of a campaign in political parties were different, now people associated with politics have also accepted that new experiments should be done in politics. Apart from the publicity system of the crowd, one can also go to the election by promoting his work.

But some very good things have happened to all this. As an example of the increase in the purity of the environment, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) reported that 78% of the cities on the Air Purity Index were in good condition which was 44% before the lockdown. The Central Pollution Control Board as well as the Uttar Pradesh Central Pollution Control Board informed that the purity of the water of river Ganga has increased. Simultaneously, municipal solid waste has been reduced in many metros like Pune by 29% and Chennai by 28%.

We Indians know how to fight with an optimistic approach. Every person is looking for some alternative, we teachers are also adopting how technology is used in education. Hope darkness will dissipate, clouds will disappear, there will be light, have faith.

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Date: 08/12/2021 - 14/12/2021- Energy Conservation Week

“Energy conservation is a new energy generation.

Nature will be pure, India will be a developed nation.”

We all Indians are celebrating “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” on the occasion of the 75th year of Independence this year. After the formation of the Constituent Assembly, our values, the goals that were to be achieved during the freedom movement were included in the long discussion by Constituent Assembly. Constitution discussed what will be the society after our independence, what kind of nation will be there, there will be equal distribution of resources till the last man of the society, and this goal has been set.

Any resources of country or society in whatever form it may be, whether it is Energy or any resource of society or nation, be it in any form, everyone will have equality of opportunity and availability. Energy is a resource on which the development of any nation can run on the path of progress. If we are envisioning the self-dependent society itself for our country, then the creation and conservation of energy should be at the most important level. Science says that energy is neither created nor destroyed. If it is protected properly, then no one can stop our country from becoming an economic power.

We know that there are many sources of it, some traditional and some non-traditional. Today, there is a competition to become an economic power all over the world, where all the countries are researching new sources of energy for themselves and using them according to their needs. We know that the sources of conventional energy sources are limited and our needs are unlimited in terms of population. Keeping this fact in mind, we have to pay attention to new sources of energy by reducing the dependence on conventional sources of energy. Whether it is biogas, wind energy or solar energy, if alternative sources are developed, then naturally conventional energy will be conserved. Most importantly, we have to start energy conservation from ourselves, from our own homes.

If we stop using the car, motor or light without any reason, then we are cooperating in the energy conservation campaign. Its biggest initiative will have to be taken by the educated people of our society. Most of us do not know that the electricity that is generated comes in the unit and it is spent, that is, it is like a kind of reserve kept in a bank. That is, if we do not use that unit, then it provides an opportunity for someone else to use it. If we leave the lights on for no reason or leave the TV on, it leads to wastage of energy. If every person starts conserving energy, then he is indirectly cooperating in energy production or rather he is cooperating in the progress and development of the country. Let us all cooperate together in energy conservation and discharge our small important role in the development of the country.

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The faculty of SST at Chinmaya Vidyalaya endeavours to disseminate high-level education to their children. Our faculty has enormous experience in teaching and communicating with students of a multicultural environment and of varying abilities. As educators, we envision to inculcate ethics and integrity in students and hone their critical thinking skills to transform them into productive and informed citizens. With a background of social studies, Chinmaya Vidyalaya ensures our children are provided learning opportunities that are substantial, consolidative, driven, ambitious and dynamic to equip them to sustain and succeed in life.

We are committed to make our children:

- aware, learn and understand social stratification, norms of society and the need of various governing bodies.

- better citizens by educating on Constitutional Laws, Rights and Duties, Social Code of Conduct and Citizenship.

- comprehend the significance of democracy, rights and freedom of living together peacefully, respect and value various religions, cultures, opinions and lifestyles.

- active and responsible members of society by imparting knowledge, information, skills and attitude.

- acquire an extremely versatile skill set to understand how society modernizes along with mastering the ability to debate effectively with conviction.

- competent to address societal and global challenges by exploring world governments, conflicts and alliances to gain a comprehensive view of nations interact and deal with the issues.

Our Educational philosophy is a mixture of Indian and Western academic systems. We conduct UNO Day, Constitution Day celebrations, Map-based Quiz and Heritage Quiz for polishing the natural talents of children in a competitive, enriching environment.

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